Dog Training Classes & Group Lessons

Dog Training Classes & Group Lessons in Phoenix & Scottsdale AZ



At this time, we are NOT conducting any group lessons or group training classes at our Indoor Training Facility! We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

We are here for you, and you can count on our support! Please feel free to contact us with any dog training questions you may have; we will be happy to help you choose the right training solution for you and your dog out of the numerous training options we offer. We are strongly committed to supporting our clients in any way possible as long as we can safely practice social distancing and follow CDC guidelines.

Quality K-9 offers Dog Training Classes and Group Lessons at our indoor training facility ON SUNDAYS ONLY located at:

12639 N. 48th St. Phoenix, Arizona 85032


Ranging from dog obedience to socialization, we offer a variety of dog training classes.  We believe combining mental stimulation with fun exercise make for a great training environment.

At Quality K-9 we suggest that any formal dog training be followed up with group classes.  It is in this group setting that you and your dog work together to master obedience amidst plenty of distractions.

Our classes are listed below.  So please do not hesitate to contact us for help in choosing the right class.  We can be reached by phone at 480-525-5525.  Or fill out the form at the bottom of this page and we will contact you shortly.

Dog Training Classes Group Lessons

 Advanced Dog Obedience Class

Sundays, 3:00 pm – 3:45 pm
$225.00 (7 weeks class)

A class for dogs and their handlers with advanced obedience skills. The basic dog obedience class and / or private training are a prerequisite for this class. Working towards CGC, off-leash, also working on more focus and sharpening existing obedience skills.

Dog Training Classes Group Lessons


Sundays, 4:00 pm – 4:45 pm
$225.00 (7 weeks class)

This training class is designed for newly adopted dogs or canines who need a refresher course in good manners.

Training topics include:

  • Greeting people and controlling impulse behavior, jumping on people, nipping, or lunging.
  • Correct heeling and walking politely on a loose leash.
  • Sit, down, stay and recall, with emphasis on learning proper social behavior skills.
  • Teaching owners proper handling skills.
Puppy training

Puppy Class

Sundays, 5:00 pm – 5:45 pm
$225.00 (7 weeks class)

This is a great class for anyone who wants to socialize and train their young puppy before bad habits get established or the dog becomes too big. This training class is open to puppies 12 weeks and older.

Highlights of this program include:

  • Understanding the developmental phases of your puppy or young dog
  • Building trust and mutual understanding between puppies and humans
  • Understanding the differences between various dog training techniques; such as luring, clicker training, reward based training and compulsion
  • Establishing correct behaviors and commands that fit your lifestyle
  • Choosing the right rewards and to use them correctly
  • Socializing the puppies with each other to promote proper social skills


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